Customer Experience Sharing @ DSAG (Stuttgart, Germany)

On Wednesday February 19th, Markus Schutz with Boehringer Ingelheim shares his implementation experience of the SAP Application Interface Framework.  The presentation is part of the DSAG Technology Days, organized by the German SAP user group. More information can be found at

The presentation starts at 10:00am in room C1.2.2.  Please note that the event has sold out.

Presentation Abstract:

Many SAP customers now operate a heterogeneous landscape, which requires the use of many interfaces. These are usually implemented by using various technologies and monitoring tools. Integration technologies, such as middle-ware platforms, provide technical solutions is at the operational level, but are of no benefit to the business end user. As a consequence, the implementation, support and development of these interfaces is very time-consuming. The SAP Application Interface Framework (AIF) provides an interface implementation framework and interface monitoring functions for the business end user. Boehringer Ingelheim uses the SAP Application Interface Framework for the first time a for full integration between the local SAP HCM systems and the global SAP HCM system.